2024-05-17 06:47:57


I.Conditions for investors to apply for permanent residence in China:


Foreigninvestors who meet one of the following conditions and have a goodtax payment record can apply for permanent residence in China:


1.Investorswho have invested in China with a total actually paid registeredcapital of over 2 million USD (the amount should not fall below thestandard for three consecutive years);


2.Investorswho have invested in the central region of China with a totalactually paid registered capital of over 1 million USD (the amountshould not fall below the standard for three consecutive years);


3.Investorswho have invested in the western region of China and in the nationalkey counties for poverty alleviation and development with a totalactually paid registered capital of over 500,000 USD (the amountshould not fall below the standard for three consecutive years);


4.Investorswho invest in the encouraged categories of industries as announced inthe "Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign InvestmentIndustries" with a total actually paid registered capital ofover 500,000 USD (the amount should not fall below the standard forthree consecutive years);


5.Investorswho invest directly in Shanghai as an individual or through a companywhere they are the controlling shareholder as an individual, withstable investment over three consecutive years and a total investmentamount of over 1 million USD (for investments in the encouragedcategories of industries as announced in the "Catalogue for theGuidance of Foreign Investment Industries", the total investmentamount reaches over 500,000 USD). The foreign spouses and unmarriedchildren under the age of 18 of the aforementioned personnel mayapply for permanent residence in China along with them.


Theforeign spouses and unmarried children under the age of 18 of theaforementioned individuals may also apply for permanent residence inChina.


II.Procedures for investors to apply for permanent residence in China:


1.Investors (principal applicants) need to submit the followingdocuments:


(1)Fill in the "Application Form for Permanent Residence of Aliensin China" completely, submit two 2-inch recent ID photos andburn a CD with the electronic version (see the notes for details).


(2)The original and two copies of a valid passport and a valid visa (orresidence permit).


(3)The original and one copy of the tax payment certificate for theindividual income tax paid consecutively for the past three yearsissued by the tax authority up to the date of application (applicantswho meet the conditions of category 5 need to submit the tax paymentcertificate issued by the Shanghai tax authority).


(4)The original and two copies of the "Enterprise Business License"duplicate, "Foreign-invested Enterprise Approval Certificate"or the "Foreign-invested Enterprise Establishment FilingReceipt" (not required for domestic enterprises), along with theproof of the relevant annual inspections for the past three years.


(5)The original capital verification report after the company's capitalreaches the required standard and the audit reports for thecontinuous three years, along with two copies of each. Forinvestments in industries encouraged under the "GuidanceCatalogue for Foreign Investment Industries" issued by thestate, it is necessary to provide a confirmation letter of a foreigninvestment project encouraged by the state, or a certificate that theenterprise is a foreign-invested enterprise encouraged by the statefor development. For investments made by a company as a controllingshareholder, additional relevant investment and shareholdingdocumentation must be submitted. If issued abroad, such documentsmust be authenticated by a Chinese embassy or consulate abroad.


(6)The original health certificate issued by the domestic entry-exitinspection and quarantine authorities (or a health certificate issuedby a foreign medical institution and authenticated by a Chineseembassy or consulate abroad), along with one photocopy. The healthcertificate is valid for six months from the date of issuance.


(7)The original certificate of no criminal record verified by theChinese embassy or consulate abroad and one photocopy. The name onthe certificate must match the name on the holder's valid passport;if the applicant has changed their name, the former name must beindicated on the certificate; if the applicant has residedcontinuously for more than two years in a country or region outsidethe passport-issuing country after reaching the age of 18, acertificate of no criminal record from that country or region is alsorequired. The certificate of no criminal record is valid for sixmonths from the date of issuance.


2.Fora foreign spouse, the following documents must be submitted:


(1)A fully completed "Application Form for Permanent Residence inChina" must be submitted, along with two recent 2-inch passportphotos and a CD containing the electronic version of the photos (seethe notes for details).


(2)The original and two photocopies of a valid passport and visa (orresidence permit).


(3)The original and two photocopies of the marriage certificate. Ifissued abroad, the certificate must be authenticated by the Chineseembassy or consulate, and this authentication is valid for six monthsfrom the date of issuance. Additionally, two photocopies of theidentification documents used at the time of marriage registrationmust be submitted.


(4)The original and one photocopy of the health certificate issued bythe domestic entry-exit inspection and quarantine department (or ahealth certificate issued by a foreign medical institutionauthenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate). The healthcertificate is valid for six months from the date of issuance.


(5)The original and one photocopy of the foreign non-criminal recordcertificate authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate. Thename on the certificate must match the name on the valid passport; ifthe applicant has changed their name, the former name must beindicated on the certificate; if the applicant has residedcontinuously in a country or region other than the passport-issuingcountry for more than two years after reaching 18 years of age, anon-criminal record certificate from that country or region is alsorequired. The non-criminal record certificate is valid for six monthsfrom the date of issuance.


3.The following documents must be submitted for foreign children underthe age of 18:


(1)Fill in the "Application Form for Permanent Residence in China"completely, submit two recent 2-inch ID photos and provide anelectronic version on a CD (see the notes for details).


(2)The original and two copies of a valid passport and visa (orresidence permit).


(3)The original birth certificate (or proof of parent-childrelationship, adoption certificate) and two copies. If issued abroad,they must be authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate.


(4)The original identification documents of both parents and two copiesof each.


(5)The original marriage certificate of the parents and two copies (ifthe parents are divorced, proof that the main applicant has custodyof the child, such as a court decree, should be provided). If issuedabroad, they must be authenticated by the Chinese embassy orconsulate.


(6)If one or both parents were of Chinese nationality at the time of thechild's birth, procedures for nationality verification must becompleted first.


★Matters for Attention for Investors Applying for Permanent Residencein China


(1)Applicants who are 18 years of age or older must appear in person toproceed with the application. For children under the age of 18, bothparents must come together to handle the application (in case ofdivorced parents, the one with custody responsibility for theapplicant may proceed).


(2)The identification photo should be a color photo with a frontal viewand a plain white background, sized 48mm×33mm. The width of theface in the portrait should be greater than or equal to 18mm±1mm,with the top of the head to hairline distance being 1.5mm to 2.5mmfrom the top edge of the photo. The lower part of the portrait shouldideally show the complete tip of the shirt collar or the collarbone.


(3)If the applicant has changed his/her nationality, he/she is requiredto submit a certificate of joining a foreign nationality. Theapplicant had Chinese nationality, the former mainland residents alsoneed to provide the original China's private passport, proof ofsettlement abroad (holders of official passports to join the foreignnationality, need to first apply for withdrawal of Chinesenationality); former residents of Taiwan also need to provide thecancellation of the household registration of Taiwan; the formerresidents of Hong Kong and Macao also need to provide the Hong Kongand Macao no longer have a resident identity card. If necessary,certificates issued abroad must be certified by the Chinese Embassy(Consulate) abroad.


(4)If the applicant has undergone a name change, they must provideoriginal proof of the name change or certification that both namesbelong to the same person, along with two photocopies of thedocument. If the document is issued from outside of China, it must beauthenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country ofissue.


(5)Relevant documents issued from abroad, such as criminal recordcertificates, marriage certificates, birth certificates, kinshipcertificates, adoption certificates, name change certificates, etc.,can be provided by the competent authorities of the relevant countryand authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate in thatcountry. Alternatively, these documents can be the certificatesissued by the embassy or consulate of the issuing country in China(self-declarations are not acceptable).


(6)Foreign-language documentation must be translated into Chinese by adomestic translation company with the appropriate qualifications andbe stamped with the company's seal. Additionally, a photocopy of thetranslation company's business license must be provided.


(7)If the applicant requires their Chinese name to be printed on the"Foreigner's Permanent Residence ID Card," they shouldspecify "Chinese name to be printed on card" in the "Othermatters needing explanation" section of the application form.




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