2024-05-22 20:07:48


“From Rags to Riches, and Back: The Tale of the Four Young Elites of Beijing”

The saying "From rags to riches, and back again; how many generations does a rich family last?" seems straightforward at first glance, but upon closer examination, it holds some truth.

Let's talk about the "Four Young Elites of Beijing" selected over a decade ago. How many of them are still remembered today? And how many are still maintaining their former glory?

When reminiscing about the "Four Young Elites of Beijing," most people might recall phrases like "flirting with female stars," "competing for assets," or "infamous car incidents." Despite the envy they once inspired, what's left now is mostly fading memories.

In this article, all information presented is substantiated by reliable sources, detailed at the end.

First, let's discuss Wang Xiaofei, who is likely familiar to many, primarily due to his former marriage to actress Barbie Hsu (also known as Big S). However, people's knowledge of Wang Xiaofei often stops at his marriage to Big S, without delving into his background or recent experiences.

Wang Xiaofei is a bona fide second-generation rich kid, distinguished from others by his wealthy mother, Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan, the founder of South Beauty Group, is a successful and outstanding entrepreneur who has wielded considerable influence in the capital market.

Zhang Lan spared no effort in grooming her only son, Wang Xiaofei. At the age of 16, she sent him abroad for education, where he received higher education in France and Canada. Upon his return, he directly took over the reins of the family business.

However, Wang Xiaofei's tenure at South Beauty Group was marked by financial mismanagement. His lack of enthusiasm and expertise in business operations led to a crisis when he falsely reported the company's financial status, plunging the corporation into jeopardy.

Moreover, his romantic life also faced challenges. In November 2010, Wang Xiaofei registered his marriage with Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu after knowing each other for only 49 days, and spending just 20 days together. Their extravagant island wedding in Sanya drew much attention. Despite appearing to be deeply in love, they announced their divorce in 2021.

Initially thought to be just another argument, it was later revealed that Wang Xiaofei had already discussed divorce details with Barbie Hsu months before. The subsequent public airing of grievances and disputes between the two families, especially regarding child-rearing issues, continued to attract media attention.

Following the divorce, Wang Xiaofei publicly shared a year's worth of expenses for Barbie Hsu and their children on social media, sparking further controversy. His criticism of Barbie Hsu's current husband, DJ Koo, stirred up more attention. Their ongoing public disputes have kept them in the headlines, leaving netizens bewildered about whom to believe.

Recently, Wang Xiaofei made headlines again by proposing to his new girlfriend, Ma Xiaomei, shortly after their engagement. Their relationship seems to be on solid ground, as Wang Xiaofei has been careful to keep Ma Xiaomei out of the public eye. However, whether his actions stem from genuine affection or a desire to flaunt his happiness remains a topic of speculation.

Wang Ke, another member of the Four Young Elites of Beijing, has had a more stable romantic life compared to Wang Xiaofei. Although his business suffered significant setbacks, his relationship with actress Liu Tao has remained strong.

Wang Ke, also known as Wang Xiaofei's brother, comes from a wealthy family background. His father, a businessman from Shandong, established a successful investment company in Beijing, ensuring substantial returns.

In terms of romance, Wang Ke's marriage to actress Liu Tao garnered substantial attention. Despite facing financial difficulties, their relationship endured. Liu Tao's dedication to her husband, as demonstrated by her return to acting to help Wang Ke repay debts, showcased their commitment to each other.

Their affectionate interactions and collaborative appearances on various reality shows indicate a happy and loving relationship. Despite occasional rumors, Liu Tao's recent social media updates suggest a contented life, fostering hope that their family will continue to thrive.

Wang Yu, with his background as an official's son, had a more colorful romantic life. His relationships with numerous actresses, including Zhang Min, Zhao Wei, and Huang Yi, were widely publicized. However, his deepest affection seemed reserved for Li Yu, the actress who tragically passed away shortly after they started dating.

After Li Yu's death, Wang Yu withdrew from the public eye, and little has been heard about his romantic endeavors since then. Perhaps Li Yu occupied a significant place in his heart, leaving no room for new relationships.

Lastly, Wang Shuo, often regarded as the epitome of a playboy, experienced a tumultuous life filled with arrogance and recklessness. Despite his affluent upbringing as the son of a wealthy Australian-Chinese businessman and actress Wang Yan, his behavior often attracted negative attention.

Wang Shuo's involvement in a car accident with his brother, Wang Ke, resulted in a confrontation during which he brandished a gun, leading to his arrest. Subsequent investigations uncovered illegal possession of firearms and other charges, resulting in a three-year suspended sentence.

During the probationary period, Wang Shuo continued to exhibit aggressive behavior, assaulting a security guard and attacking a female journalist and her husband. Despite issuing apologies afterward, his actions left a lasting negative impression.

Now 42 years old, Wang Shuo has largely disappeared from public view, perhaps reflecting on his past behavior. His recent absence may also be attributed to his father's business struggles or his stepmother's recent delivery of another child. Regardless, Wang Shuo's disappearance from the public eye may be for the best.

In conclusion, the fate of the "Four Young Elites of Beijing" serves as a cautionary tale. Despite their initial success and societal envy, their eventual downfall reflects the transient nature of fortune and the importance of character. Regardless of wealth and status, those who lack integrity and humility are bound to face challenges. As the saying goes, "Pride comes before a fall." Let us hope that they use their resources for the betterment of society, especially as they enter middle age.


Global Economic Daily - "What's the Story Behind Wang Yu's Family? Wang Yu's Dispute with Prince Hui"

China News Network - "Revealed: Wang Shuo's Gun Possession Case Ends in Suspended Sentence"

Written by: Worldly Insights

Edited by: Worldly Insights



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