2024-05-21 23:46:57


Beforecoming to work in China, accurately assessing your talent type cangreatly improve the efficiency of your“work permit forforeigners in China”application! When looking for a job inChina,check out your“power level”first!




lmplementing"Green Channel" and "Acceptance with Deficiencies"services


ltseems that working in China will be much easier if you are inCategory A. So,what kind of talent can apply for Category A?


Oneof the following conditions must be met to qualify for Category A:


1.ForeignTalent Plans


Individualsselected for the national talent introduction program approvedorfiled by the Organization Department of the Communist Party ofChina (CPC)Central Committee, the Ministry of Human Resources andSocialSecurity, or the National Administration of Foreign ExpertsAffairs.


2.InternationallyRecognized Standards for Professional Achievemerts


Wewelcome the elite from every industry! This includes Nobel Prizewinners; holders of the National Science Medal in the United States;academics from various science academies; those who held seniormanagement positions and key technical members from Fortune 500companies; Olympic medal holders; and winners ofprestigious literaryawards, renowned film, television, and theater awards, famous musicawards, and prestigious international art competitions; andprofessionals who have won international and national level skillscompetitions orhave trained in competition projects.


3.Meetthe Market一orientedDemand for Encouraged Positions


Aslong as you have a special skill, you can easily obtain a workpermit! This includes individuals employed by central enterprises andsecondary subsidiaries, global or regional headquarters of Fortune500 companies in senior management or technical positions,individuals working in enterprise engineering research centersrecognized by the state in high-level management or technicalpositions, and individuals holding senior management positions orvice-senior professional technical positions in top threecomprehensive hospitals or vice-provincial-level or above cityspecialty hospitals or foreign-funded hospitals.


4.InnovativeEntrepreneurial Talent


Forexample, founders of enterprises who contribute major technologicalinventions, patents, or proprietary technology with independentintellectual property rights, with stable investment for threeconsecutive years, total actual investment in the enterprise not lessthan US$500,000, and personal shareholding of not less than 30percent.


5.OutstandingYoung Talent


Individualsunder 40 who have conducted postdoctoral research at high-leveluniversities abroad or domestic universities in China.


6.Scoreof 85 or Above


Formore detailed rules, please visit https://www.sgst.cn/foreign.


"Highly-skilled,Sophisticated and Cutting-edge Foreign Talent” is a new pilotpolicy in six cities including Shanghai, which expands therecognition of Category A talents, making it easier for more youngforeign talents to obtain work permits!


Thosewho meet these conditions can also be selected as "Highly-skilled,Sophisticated and Cutting-edge Foreign Talent”!


NewlyAdded Awards


Winnersof international awards and prizes, as newly added: the Kavli Prize,the Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize; the Lorentz Medal; the ClaudeE.Shannon Award;the Breakthrough Prize; the Brain Prize; the EnricoFermi Award; the Max Planck Medal; the Victoria Award; the RogerAdams Award in Organic Chemistry; and the Darwin Medal.


Newly-added:Winners of Shanghai Science and Technology Awards.




Criteria for Highly-skilled, Sophisticated and Cutting-edge ForeignTalent in Shanghai: Former middle or senior administrators,professors (researchers), or associate professors (associateresearchers) in domestic or overseas high-level universities orresearchinstitutes.


Conformingto the international criteria of professional achievement


Seniorexecutives or tech professionals hired by central enterprises ortheir subsidiaries, global or regional headquarters of Fortune Global500 enterprises, national high-tech enterprises(accredited by thescience and technology departments at or above the provincial level),large enterprises, China's Top 500 enterprises, "unicorn”enterprises,or national "little giant”enterprises applying special,sophisticated techniques to produce unique and novelproducts(accredited by the economic and IT departments at or abovethe provincial level).


Seniorexecutives or tech professionals working in state- accreditednational key labs (accredited by science and technology departments),engineering research centers of enterprises (accredited bydevelopment and reform departments), engineering labs (accredited bydevelopment and reform departments), engineering and technicalresearch centers (accredited by science and technology departments),technology centers of enterprises (accredited by economy andinformation technology departments), or local technologicalinnovations service platforms accredited by science and technologydepartments), Shanghai-accredited new R&D institutes (accreditedby science and technology departments), overseas-funded R&Dcenters (accredited by commerce departments), trade headquarters(accredited by commerce commissions), headquarters of privateenterprises (accredited by commerce commissions), or R&D andtransformation platforms (accredited by science and technologydepartments).


Seniorexecutives or tech personnel employed by domestic and foreignmedium-sized enterprises or board chairmen, legalrepresentatives,general managers or chief technical specialistsemployed by Shanghai-based foreign-funded exporters of advancedtechnologies or products or small-sized foreign-funded enterprises inline with the Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreignlnvestment.


Otherswith an average salary no lower than six times the average income inthe previous year of employees of local urban employers.


Excellentyoung talent


Talentsunder the age of 40 who are engaged in post-doctoral research indomestic or foreign collegeaenterprises, or medical and healthinstitutions.


Doctorsin science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) under theage of 40 who graduated from the world's top 200 universities in therecent five years.


Excellentfresh graduates with a bachelor's or higher degree from the world'stop 10 universities.


Talentrecomnended by relevant departments


Ifforeign talent serves the implementation of national key strategies,the development of key fields and the construction of major projects,tackles difficulties in key and core technologies, meets the needs oflocal industrial and socioeconomic development, and has obtained therecommendation letters for thegrant of work permit for foreignhigh-end talent(Category A) from the municipal competent departmentsof relevant industries, the administrative department of work permitfor foreigners shall approve and confirm their status as“talentrecommended by relevant departments", tag them as such in the"Service System for Foreigners Working in China”in realtime, and report the list of such talent and any change thereof tothe Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of HumanResources and Social Security every six months.




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