参数 | 数值 | 备注 |
CPU | 4核推荐 | |
内存 | 16GB建议使用 32GB 以上才能稳定运行。用8GB启动服务器是可以的,但是玩得越久,服务器就会因为内存不足而崩溃。 | |
网络 | UDP 端口 8211(默认) |
阿里云:阿里云游戏联机服务器专题页,点击 一键购买及部署 即可快速搭建出你的专属幻兽帕鲁服务器。
yum install glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686
sudo useradd -m steam sudo passwd steam sudo -u steam -s cd /home/steam
mkdir ~/Steam && cd ~/Steam curl -sqL "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz" | tar zxvf -
./steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 validate +quit
cd steamapps/common/PalServer ./PalServer.sh
.steam/sdk64/steamclient.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
cd /home/steam/Steam mkdir -p ~/.steam/sdk64/ ./steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +app_update 1007 +quit cp ~/Steam/steamapps/common/Steamworks\ SDK\ Redist/linux64/steamclient.so ~/.steam/sdk64/
cd steamapps/common/PalServer ./PalServer.sh
sh: xdg-user-dir: command not found dlopen failed trying to load: steamclient.so with error: steamclient.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded '/home/steam/.steam/sdk64/steamclient.so' OK. (First tried local 'steamclient.so') CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 1 milliseconds to initialize Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 2394010 [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamUser021 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded. [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamFriends017 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded. [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION008 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded. [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamNetworkingUtils004 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
cp /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini vim /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini
参数 | 英文 | 机翻 |
DayTimeSpeedRate | Day time speed | 白天速度 |
NightTimeSpeedRate | Night time speed | 夜间速度 |
ExpRate | EXP rate | 经验率 |
PalCaptureRate | Pal capture rate | 好友捕获率 |
PalSpawnNumRate | Pal appearance rate | Pal出现率 |
PalDamageRateAttack | Damage from pals multipiler | 好友倍增器造成的伤害 |
PalDamageRateDefense | Damage to pals multipiler | 对好友倍增器造成伤害 |
PlayerDamageRateAttack | Damage from player multipiler | 玩家倍增造成的伤害 |
PlayerDamageRateDefense | Damage to player multipiler | 对玩家造成的伤害乘数 |
PlayerStomachDecreaceRate | Player hunger depletion rate | 玩家饥饿消耗率 |
PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate | Player stamina reduction rate | 玩家体力减少率 |
PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate | Player auto HP regeneration rate | 玩家自动HP回复率 |
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep | Player sleep HP regeneration rate | 玩家睡眠HP回复率 |
PalStomachDecreaceRate | Pal hunger depletion rate | 伙伴饥饿消耗率 |
PalStaminaDecreaceRate | Pal stamina reduction rate | 帕尔耐力减少率 |
PalAutoHPRegeneRate | Pal auto HP regeneration rate | Pal自动HP回复率 |
PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep | Pal sleep health regeneration rate (in Palbox) | Pal 睡眠健康恢复率(Palbox 中) |
BuildObjectDamageRate | Damage to structure multipiler | 多层结构损坏 |
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate | Structure determination rate | 结构测定率 |
CollectionDropRate | Getherable items multipiler | 可收集物品倍增器 |
CollectionObjectHpRate | Getherable objects HP multipiler | 可收集的物体 HP 倍增器 |
CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate | Getherable objects respawn interval | 可收集物体的重生间隔 |
EnemyDropItemRate | Dropped Items Multipiler | 掉落物品倍增器 |
DeathPenalty | Death penalty None : No lost, Item : Lost item without equipment, ItemAndEquipment : Lost item and equipment, All : Lost All item, equipment, pal(in inventory) | 死亡后 None : 没有丢失, Item : 丢失的没有装备的物品, ItemAndEquipment : 丢失的物品和装备, All : 丢失所有物品、装备、朋友(库存中) |
GuildPlayerMaxNum | Max player of Guild | 公会最大玩家数 |
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime | Time(h) to incubate massive egg | 孵化大蛋的时间(h) |
ServerPlayerMaxNum | Maximum number of people who can join the server | 服务器最多可加入人数 |
ServerName | Server name | 服务器名称 |
ServerDescription | Server description | 服务器描述 |
AdminPassword | AdminPassword | 管理员密码 |
ServerPassword | Set the server password. | 设置服务器密码。 |
PublicPort | Public port number | 公共端口号 |
PublicIP | Public IP | 公共IP |
RCONEnabled | Enable RCON | 启用RCON |
RCONPort | Port number for RCON | RCON 的端口号 |
调出聊天框,输入/adminpassword 你设置的管理员密码 即可获得管理员权限
命令 | 描述 | 机翻描述 |
/Shutdown {Seconds} {MessageText} | The server is shut down after the number of Seconds Will be notified of your MessageText. | 服务器关闭后的秒数将通知您的 MessageText。 |
/DoExit | Force stop the server. | 强制停止服务器。 |
/Broadcast {MessageText} | Send message to all player in the server. | 向服务器中的所有玩家发送消息。 |
/KickPlayer {SteamID} | Kick player from the server. | 将玩家从服务器中踢出。 |
/BanPlayer {SteamID} | BAN player from the server. | 从服务器禁止玩家。 |
/TeleportToPlayer {SteamID} | Teleport to current location of target player. | 传送到目标玩家的当前位置。 |
/TeleportToMe {SteamID} | Target player teleport to your current location | 目标玩家传送到您当前的位置 |
/ShowPlayers | Show information on all connected players. | 显示所有已连接玩家的信息。 |
/Info | Show server information. | 显示服务器信息。 |
/Save | Save the world data. | 保存世界数据。 |
在获取管理员权限后,按下 ESC
后点击 选项
sudo su sudo usermod -aG wheel steam
vim /etc/systemd/system/palserver.service
[Unit] Description=PalServer After=network.target [Service] User=steam ExecStart=/usr/bin/sudo -u steam /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Binaries/Linux/PalServer-Linux-Test Pal "" Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=default.target
保存后输入systemctl daemon-reload
设置开机自启 sudo systemctl enable palserver 启动 sudo systemctl start palserver 查看状态 sudo systemctl status palserver 停止 sudo systemctl stop palserver 重启 sudo systemctl restart palserver
free -h
内存小于等于 2GB: 设置为内存的两倍。 内存大于 2GB 且小于 8GB: 设置为内存的1.5倍。 内存大于 8GB 且小于 64GB:等于内存大小。 内存大于 64GB: 设置为64GB。
sudo fallocate -l 12G /swapfile sudo chmod 600 /swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile sudo swapon /swapfile echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
free -h
vim clean.sh
#!/bin/bash sync echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
vim /etc/crontab
0 */2 * * * root /path/to/sync.sh