python main.py
import pygame as pg from source.main import main if __name__=='__main__': main() pg.quit()
定义了一个地图类 Map
__author__ = 'marble_xu' # 导入必要的模块 import random import pygame as pg from .. import tool from .. import constants as c # 地图类定义 class Map(): def __init__(self, width, height): # 初始化地图的宽度和高度 self.width = width self.height = height # 创建一个二维数组来表示地图,初始值为0 self.map = [[0 for x in range(self.width)] for y in range(self.height)] # 检查指定位置是否在地图范围内 def isValid(self, map_x, map_y): if (map_x < 0 or map_x >= self.width or map_y < 0 or map_y >= self.height): return False return True # 检查指定位置是否可移动 def isMovable(self, map_x, map_y): return (self.map[map_y][map_x] == c.MAP_EMPTY) # 根据实际坐标获取地图索引 def getMapIndex(self, x, y): x -= c.MAP_OFFSET_X y -= c.MAP_OFFSET_Y return (x // c.GRID_X_SIZE, y // c.GRID_Y_SIZE) # 根据地图索引获取网格的中心位置坐标 def getMapGridPos(self, map_x, map_y): return (map_x * c.GRID_X_SIZE + c.GRID_X_SIZE//2 + c.MAP_OFFSET_X, map_y * c.GRID_Y_SIZE + c.GRID_Y_SIZE//5 * 3 + c.MAP_OFFSET_Y) # 设置指定位置的地图网格类型 def setMapGridType(self, map_x, map_y, type): self.map[map_y][map_x] = type # 获取一个随机的地图索引 def getRandomMapIndex(self): map_x = random.randint(0, self.width-1) map_y = random.randint(0, self.height-1) return (map_x, map_y) # 在指定位置显示植物,返回植物显示的位置 def showPlant(self, x, y): pos = None map_x, map_y = self.getMapIndex(x, y) # 检查位置是否有效且可移动 if self.isValid(map_x, map_y) and self.isMovable(map_x, map_y): # 获取植物显示的位置 pos = self.getMapGridPos(map_x, map_y) return pos
# 导入必要的模块 import random import pygame as pg from .. import tool from .. import constants as c # 面板初始位置及间距 PANEL_Y_START = 87 PANEL_X_START = 22 PANEL_Y_INTERNAL = 74 PANEL_X_INTERNAL = 53 CARD_LIST_NUM = 8 # 植物卡片名称列表 card_name_list = [c.CARD_SUNFLOWER, c.CARD_PEASHOOTER, c.CARD_SNOWPEASHOOTER, c.CARD_WALLNUT, c.CARD_CHERRYBOMB, c.CARD_THREEPEASHOOTER, c.CARD_REPEATERPEA, c.CARD_CHOMPER, c.CARD_PUFFSHROOM, c.CARD_POTATOMINE, c.CARD_SQUASH, c.CARD_SPIKEWEED, c.CARD_JALAPENO, c.CARD_SCAREDYSHROOM, c.CARD_SUNSHROOM, c.CARD_ICESHROOM, c.CARD_HYPNOSHROOM, c.CARD_WALLNUT, c.CARD_REDWALLNUT] # 植物名称列表 plant_name_list = [c.SUNFLOWER, c.PEASHOOTER, c.SNOWPEASHOOTER, c.WALLNUT, c.CHERRYBOMB, c.THREEPEASHOOTER, c.REPEATERPEA, c.CHOMPER, c.PUFFSHROOM, c.POTATOMINE, c.SQUASH, c.SPIKEWEED, c.JALAPENO, c.SCAREDYSHROOM, c.SUNSHROOM, c.ICESHROOM, c.HYPNOSHROOM, c.WALLNUTBOWLING, c.REDWALLNUTBOWLING] # 植物所需阳光值列表 plant_sun_list = [50, 100, 175, 50, 150, 325, 200, 150, 0, 25, 50, 100, 125, 25, 25, 75, 75, 0, 0] # 植物冷冻时间列表 plant_frozen_time_list = [7500, 7500, 7500, 30000, 50000, 7500, 7500, 7500, 7500, 30000, 30000, 7500, 50000, 7500, 7500, 50000, 30000, 0, 0] # 所有卡片索引列表 all_card_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16] # 获取阳光值图片 def getSunValueImage(sun_value): font = pg.font.SysFont(None, 22) width = 32 msg_image = font.render(str(sun_value), True, c.NAVYBLUE, c.LIGHTYELLOW) msg_rect = msg_image.get_rect() msg_w = msg_rect.width image = pg.Surface([width, 17]) x = width - msg_w image.fill(c.LIGHTYELLOW) image.blit(msg_image, (x, 0), (0, 0, msg_rect.w, msg_rect.h)) image.set_colorkey(c.BLACK) return image # 获取卡片池 def getCardPool(data): card_pool = [] for card in data: tmp = card['name'] for i, name in enumerate(plant_name_list): if name == tmp: card_pool.append(i) break return card_pool # 卡片类 class Card(): def __init__(self, x, y, name_index, scale=0.78): self.loadFrame(card_name_list[name_index], scale) self.rect = self.orig_image.get_rect() self.rect.x = x self.rect.y = y self.name_index = name_index self.sun_cost = plant_sun_list[name_index] self.frozen_time = plant_frozen_time_list[name_index] self.frozen_timer = -self.frozen_time self.refresh_timer = 0 self.select = True # 加载卡片帧 def loadFrame(self, name, scale): frame = tool.GFX[name] rect = frame.get_rect() width, height = rect.w, rect.h self.orig_image = tool.get_image(frame, 0, 0, width, height, c.BLACK, scale) self.image = self.orig_image # 检查鼠标点击位置 def checkMouseClick(self, mouse_pos): x, y = mouse_pos if(x >= self.rect.x and x <= self.rect.right and y >= self.rect.y and y <= self.rect.bottom): return True return False # 检查是否可以点击 def canClick(self, sun_value, current_time): if self.sun_cost <= sun_value and (current_time - self.frozen_timer) > self.frozen_time: return True return False # 检查是否可选中 def canSelect(self): return self.select # 设置是否选中 def setSelect(self, can_select): self.select = can_select if can_select: self.image.set_alpha(255) else: self.image.set_alpha(128) # 设置冷冻时间 def setFrozenTime(self, current_time): self.frozen_timer = current_time # 创建卡片图片以显示冷却状态或阳光值不足状态 def createShowImage(self, sun_value, current_time): time = current_time - self.frozen_timer if time < self.frozen_time: # 冷却状态 image = pg.Surface([self.rect.w, self.rect.h]) frozen_image = self.orig_image.copy() frozen_image.set_alpha(128) frozen_height = (self.frozen_time - time)/self.frozen_time * self.rect.h image.blit(frozen_image, (0,0), (0, 0, self.rect.w, frozen_height)) image.blit(self.orig_image, (0,frozen_height), (0, frozen_height, self.rect.w, self.rect.h - frozen_height)) elif self.sun_cost > sun_value: # 阳光值不足状态 image = self.orig_image.copy() image.set_alpha(192) else: image = self.orig_image return image # 更新卡片状态 def update(self, sun_value, current_time): if (current_time - self.refresh_timer) >= 250: self.image = self.createShowImage(sun_value, current_time) self.refresh_timer = current_time # 绘制卡片 def draw(self, surface): surface.blit(self.image, self.rect) # 菜单栏类 class MenuBar(): def __init__(self, card_list, sun_value): self.loadFrame(c.MENUBAR_BACKGROUND) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = 10 self.rect.y = 0 self.sun_value = sun_value self.card_offset_x = 32 self.setupCards(card_list) # 加载背景帧 def loadFrame(self, name): frame = tool.GFX[name] rect = frame.get_rect() frame_rect = (rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h) self.image = tool.get_image(tool.GFX[name], *frame_rect, c.WHITE, 1) # 更新菜单栏状态 def update(self, current_time): self.current_time = current_time for card in self.card_list: card.update(self.sun_value, self.current_time) # 创建图片 def createImage(self, x, y, num): if num == 1: return img = self.image rect = self.image.get_rect() width = rect.w height = rect.h self.image = pg.Surface((width * num, height)).convert() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = x self.rect.y = y for i in range(num): x = i * width self.image.blit(img, (x,0)) self.image.set_colorkey(c.BLACK) # 设置卡片 def setupCards(self, card_list): self.card_list = [] x = self.card_offset_x y = 8 for index in card_list: x += 55 self.card_list.append(Card(x, y, index)) # 检查卡片点击 def checkCardClick(self, mouse_pos): result = None for card in self.card_list: if card.checkMouseClick(mouse_pos): if card.canClick(self.sun_value, self.current_time): result = (plant_name_list[card.name_index], card) break return result # 检查菜单栏点击 def checkMenuBarClick(self, mouse_pos): x, y = mouse_pos if(x >= self.rect.x and x <= self.rect.right and y >= self.rect.y and y <= self.rect.bottom): return True return False # 减少阳光值 def decreaseSunValue(self, value): self.sun_value -= value # 增加阳光值 def increaseSunValue(self, value): self.sun_value += value # 设置卡片冷冻时间 def setCardFrozenTime(self, plant_name): for card in self.card_list: if plant_name_list[card.name_index] == plant_name: card.setFrozenTime(self.current_time) break # 绘制阳光值 def drawSunValue(self): self.value_image = getSunValueImage(self.sun_value) self.value_rect = self.value_image.get_rect() self.value_rect.x = 21 self.value_rect.y = self.rect.bottom - 21 self.image.blit(self.value_image, self.value_rect) # 绘制菜单栏 def draw(self, surface): self.drawSunValue() surface.blit(self.image, self.rect) for card in self.card_list: card.draw(surface) # 面板类 class Panel(): def __init__(self, card_list, sun_value): self.loadImages(sun_value) self.selected_cards = [] self.selected_num = 0 self.setupCards(card_list) # 加载图片 def loadFrame(self, name): frame = tool.GFX[name] rect = frame.get_rect() frame_rect = (rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h) return tool.get_image(tool.GFX[name], *frame_rect, c.WHITE, 1) # 加载图片及设置 def loadImages(self, sun_value): self.menu_image = self.loadFrame(c.MENUBAR_BACKGROUND) self.menu_rect = self.menu_image.get_rect() self.menu_rect.x = 0 self.menu_rect.y = 0 self.panel_image = self.loadFrame(c.PANEL_BACKGROUND) self.panel_rect = self.panel_image.get_rect() self.panel_rect.x = 0 self.panel_rect.y = PANEL_Y_START self.value_image = getSunValueImage(sun_value) self.value_rect = self.value_image.get_rect() self.value_rect.x = 21 self.value_rect.y = self.menu_rect.bottom - 21 self.button_image = self.loadFrame(c.START_BUTTON) self.button_rect = self.button_image.get_rect() self.button_rect.x = 155 self.button_rect.y = 547 # 设置卡片 def setupCards(self, card_list): self.card_list = [] x = PANEL_X_START - PANEL_X_INTERNAL y = PANEL_Y_START + 43 - PANEL_Y_INTERNAL for i, index in enumerate(card_list): if i % 8 == 0: x = PANEL_X_START - PANEL_X_INTERNAL y += PANEL_Y_INTERNAL x += PANEL_X_INTERNAL self.card_list.append(Card(x, y, index, 0.75)) # 检查卡片点击 def checkCardClick(self, mouse_pos): delete_card = None for card in self.selected_cards: if delete_card: # 当删除卡片时,将右边的卡片左移 card.rect.x -= 55 elif card.checkMouseClick(mouse_pos): self.deleteCard(card.name_index) delete_card = card if delete_card: self.selected_cards.remove(delete_card) self.selected_num -= 1 if self.selected_num == CARD_LIST_NUM: return for card in self.card_list: if card.checkMouseClick(mouse_pos): if card.canSelect(): self.addCard(card) break # 添加卡片 def addCard(self, card): card.setSelect(False) y = 8 x = 78 + self.selected_num * 55 self.selected_cards.append(Card(x, y, card.name_index)) self.selected_num += 1 # 删除卡片 def deleteCard(self, index): self.card_list[index].setSelect(True) # 检查开始按钮点击 def checkStartButtonClick(self, mouse_pos): if self.selected_num < CARD_LIST_NUM: return False x, y = mouse_pos if (x >= self.button_rect.x and x <= self.button_rect.right and y >= self.button_rect.y and y <= self.button_rect.bottom): return True return False # 获取选中卡片 def getSelectedCards(self): card_index_list = [] for card in self.selected_cards: card_index_list.append(card.name_index) return card_index_list # 绘制面板 def draw(self, surface): self.menu_image.blit(self.value_image, self.value_rect) surface.blit(self.menu_image, self.menu_rect) surface.blit(self.panel_image, self.panel_rect) for card in self.card_list: card.draw(surface) for card in self.selected_cards: card.draw(surface) if self.selected_num == CARD_LIST_NUM: surface.blit(self.button_image, self.button_rect) # 移动卡片类 class MoveCard(): def __init__(self, x, y, card_name, plant_name, scale=0.78): self.loadFrame(card_name, scale) self.rect = self.orig_image.get_rect() self.rect.x = x self.rect.y = y self.rect.w = 1 self.image = self.createShowImage() self.card_name = card_name self.plant_name = plant_name self.move_timer = 0 self.select = True # 加载帧 def loadFrame(self, name, scale): frame = tool.GFX[name] rect = frame.get_rect() width, height = rect.w, rect.h self.orig_image = tool.get_image(frame, 0, 0, width, height, c.BLACK, scale) self.orig_rect = self.orig_image.get_rect() self.image = self.orig_image # 检查鼠标点击位置 def checkMouseClick(self, mouse_pos): x, y = mouse_pos if(x >= self.rect.x and x <= self.rect.right and y >= self.rect.y and y <= self.rect.bottom): return True return False # 创建图片 def createShowImage(self): '''create a part card image when card appears from left''' if self.rect.w < self.orig_rect.w: #create a part card image image = pg.Surface([self.rect.w, self.rect.h]) image.blit(self.orig_image, (0, 0), (0, 0, self.rect.w, self.rect.h)) self.rect.w += 1 else: image = self.orig_image return image # 更新卡片位置 def update(self, left_x, current_time): if self.move_timer == 0: self.move_timer = current_time elif (current_time - self.move_timer) >= c.CARD_MOVE_TIME: if self.rect.x > left_x: self.rect.x -= 1 self.image = self.createShowImage() self.move_timer += c.CARD_MOVE_TIME # 绘制卡片 def draw(self, surface): surface.blit(self.image, self.rect) # 移动菜单栏类 class MoveBar(): def __init__(self, card_pool): self.loadFrame(c.MOVEBAR_BACKGROUND) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = 90 self.rect.y = 0 self.card_start_x = self.rect.x + 8 self.card_end_x = self.rect.right - 5 self.card_pool = card_pool self.card_list = [] self.create_timer = -c.MOVEBAR_CARD_FRESH_TIME # 加载背景帧 def loadFrame(self, name): frame = tool.GFX[name] rect = frame.get_rect() frame_rect = (rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h) self.image = tool.get_image(tool.GFX[name], *frame_rect, c.WHITE, 1) # 创建卡片 def createCard(self): if len(self.card_list) > 0 and self.card_list[-1].rect.right > self.card_end_x: return False x = self.card_end_x y = 6 index = random.randint(0, len(self.card_pool) - 1) card_index = self.card_pool[index] card_name = card_name_list[card_index] + '_move' plant_name = plant_name_list[card_index] self.card_list.append(MoveCard(x, y, card_name, plant_name)) return True # 更新状态 def update(self, current_time): self.current_time = current_time left_x = self.card_start_x for card in self.card_list: card.update(left_x, self.current_time) left_x = card.rect.right + 1 if(self.current_time - self.create_timer) > c.MOVEBAR_CARD_FRESH_TIME: if self.createCard(): self.create_timer = self.current_time # 检查卡片点击 def checkCardClick(self, mouse_pos): result = None for index, card in enumerate(self.card_list): if card.checkMouseClick(mouse_pos): result = (card.plant_name, card) break return result # 检查菜单栏点击 def checkMenuBarClick(self, mouse_pos): x, y = mouse_pos if(x >= self.rect.x and x <= self.rect.right and y >= self.rect.y and y <= self.rect.bottom): return True return False # 删除卡片 def deleateCard(self, card): self.card_list.remove(card) # 绘制 def draw(self, surface): surface.blit(self.image, self.rect) for card in self.card_list: card.draw(surface)
{ "plant_image_rect":{ "PeaNormal":{"x":28, "y":0, "width":28, "height":34}, "PeaIce":{"x":26, "y":0, "width":30, "height":34}, "Chomper":{"x":0, "y":0, "width":100, "height":114}, "PuffShroom":{"x":0, "y":28, "width":35, "height":38}, "PuffShroomSleep":{"x":1, "y":0, "width":39, "height":65}, "BulletMushRoom":{"x":0, "y":1, "width":55, "height":21}, "PotatoMine":{"x":0, "y":0, "width":75, "height":55}, "Squash":{"x":10, "y":140, "width":80, "height":86}, "SquashAim":{"x":10, "y":140, "width":80, "height":86}, "Spikeweed":{"x":3, "y":0, "width":80, "height":35} } }
{ "zombie_image_rect":{ "Zombie":{"x":62, "width":90}, "ZombieAttack":{"x":62, "width":90}, "ZombieLostHead":{"x":62, "width":90}, "ZombieLostHeadAttack":{"x":62, "width":90}, "ZombieDie":{"x":0, "width":164}, "BoomDie":{"x":68, "width":80}, "ConeheadZombie":{"x":80, "width":80}, "ConeheadZombieAttack":{"x":79, "width":87}, "BucketheadZombie":{"x":54, "width":90}, "BucketheadZombieAttack":{"x":46, "width":90}, "FlagZombie":{"x":56, "width":110}, "FlagZombieAttack":{"x":60, "width":100}, "FlagZombieLostHead":{"x":55, "width":110}, "FlagZombieLostHeadAttack":{"x":55, "width":110}, "NewspaperZombie":{"x":48, "width":92}, "NewspaperZombieAttack":{"x":48, "width":92}, "NewspaperZombieNoPaper":{"x":40, "width":98}, "NewspaperZombieNoPaperAttack":{"x":48, "width":92}, "NewspaperZombieLostHead":{"x":44, "width":96}, "NewspaperZombieLostHeadAttack":{"x":48, "width":92}, "NewspaperZombieDie":{"x":0, "width":100} } }