2025-01-15 06:34:45












 public class Card {  private String suit;  private int rank;      public Card( int rank,String suit) {         this.suit = suit;         this.rank = rank;     }      @Override     public String toString() {         return"{"+suit+rank+"} ";     } } 
 import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random;   public class CardDemo {   public static final String[] stuits={"♠","方块","♥","♣"};   public List buyCard() {       List cardList = new ArrayList<>();       for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {           for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {               int rank = i;               String suit = stuits[j];               Card card = new Card(rank,suit);               cardList.add(card);           }       }       return cardList;     }     public void shuffle(List cardList){       Random random = new Random();         for (int i =cardList.size()-1; i > 0; i--) {             int index = random.nextInt(i);             swap(cardList,i,index);         }     }     private void swap (ListcardList,int i,int j){        Card tmp = cardList.get(i);       cardList.set(i,cardList.get(j));       cardList.set(j,tmp);     }     public List> play(ListcardList){       List hand0 = new ArrayList<>();       List hand1 = new ArrayList<>();       List hand2 = new ArrayList<>();       List> hand = new ArrayList<>();       hand.add(hand0);       hand.add(hand1);       hand.add(hand2);         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {             for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {                 Card card = cardList.remove(0);                 hand.get(j).add(card);             }         }         return hand;     } } 
import java.util.List;  public class Test {     public static void main(String[] args) {         //买牌    CardDemo cardDemo = new CardDemo();    List cardList = cardDemo.buyCard();         System.out.println(cardList);         //洗牌        cardDemo.shuffle(cardList);        //轮流发牌       List > ret = cardDemo.play(cardList);         for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) {             System.out.println("第"+(i+1)+"个人的牌"+ret.get(i));         }     } } 


public class Test {     public static void main(String[] args) {         MySingleList list = new MySingleList();         list.CreatList();         list.clear();         list.display();     } } 
 public class MySingleList implements IList {      static  class ListNode{         private int val;         private ListNode next;         public   ListNode(int val){             this.val = val;         }      }     public ListNode head;     public void CreatList(){         ListNode node1 = new ListNode(12);         ListNode node2 = new ListNode(12);         ListNode node3 = new ListNode(23);         ListNode node4 = new ListNode(45);         ListNode node5 = new ListNode(56);         node1.next = node2;         node2.next = node3;         node3.next = node4;         node4.next = node5;         this.head = node1;      }     @Override     public void addFirst(int data) {        ListNode node = new ListNode(data);        node.next = head;        head = node;     }      @Override     public void addLast(int data) {         ListNode node = new ListNode(data);         ListNode cur = head;         if(head == null){             head = node;             return;         }         while(cur.next != null ){             cur = cur.next;         } cur.next = node;       }      @Override     public void addIndex(int index, int data) {         int len = size();         if(index < 0 || index > len){             System.out.println("index位置不合法");             return;         }             if( index == 0){                addFirst(data);                return;             }if(index == len){                 addLast(data);                 return;         }             ListNode node = new ListNode(data);             ListNode cur =head;             while(index - 1 != 0){                 cur = cur.next;                 index--;             }             node.next = cur.next;               cur.next = node;     }      @Override     public boolean contains(int key) {         ListNode cur = head;         while(cur != null){             if(cur.val == key){                 return true;             }else                 cur = cur.next;         }         return false;     }      @Override     public void remove(int key) {         if(head == null){             return;         }        if(head.val == key){            head = head.next;            return;        }        ListNode cur = findNodeOfKey(key);        if(cur == null){            return;        }        cur.next = cur.next.next;     }    private ListNode findNodeOfKey(int key){         ListNode cur = head;         while(cur.next != null){             if(cur.next.val == key){                 return cur;             }             cur = cur.next;         }         return null;    }       @Override     public void removeAllKey(int key) {         if (head == null) {             return;         }         ListNode pre = head;         ListNode cur = head.next;         while (cur != null) {             if (cur.val == key) {                 pre.next = cur.next;                 cur = cur.next;             } else {                 pre = cur;                 cur = cur.next;             }          }         if (head.val == key){             head = head.next;       }     }     @Override     public int size() {         ListNode cur = this.head;         int len = 0;         while(cur != null){             len++;             cur = cur.next;         }         System.out.println();        return len;     }      @Override     public void clear() {         ListNode cur = head;         while(cur != null){             ListNode curN = cur.next;             cur.next = null;             cur = curN;         }         head = null;     }      @Override     public void display() {         ListNode cur = head;         while ((cur != null)){             System.out.print(cur.val+" ");             cur = cur.next;         }     } } 
public interface IList {       public void addFirst(int data);       public void addLast(int data);       public void addIndex(int index,int data);       public boolean contains (int key);       public void remove(int key);       public void removeAllKey(int key);       public int size();      public void clear();      public void display();   }


public class Solution {          public ListNode removeElements(ListNode head, int val) {              if(head == null){                 return head;             }             ListNode pre = head;             ListNode cur = head.next;             while(cur != null){                 if(cur.val == val){                     pre.next = cur.next;                     cur = cur.next;                 }else{                     pre = cur;                     cur = cur.next;                 }             }             if(head.val == val){                 head = head.next;             }             return head;         }     }  


/**  * Definition for singly-linked list.  * public class ListNode {  *     int val;  *     ListNode next;  *     ListNode() {}  *     ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; }  *     ListNode(int val, ListNode next) { this.val = val; this.next = next; }  * }  */ class Solution {     public ListNode reverseList(ListNode head) {         if(head == null){             return head;         }         ListNode cur = head.next;         head.next = null;         while(cur != null){             ListNode curN = cur.next;             cur.next = head;             head = cur;             cur = curN;         }        return head;     } }


/**  * Definition for singly-linked list.  * public class ListNode {  *     int val;  *     ListNode next;  *     ListNode() {}  *     ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; }  *     ListNode(int val, ListNode next) { this.val = val; this.next = next; }  * }  */ class Solution {     public ListNode middleNode(ListNode head) {         if(head == null){             return head;         }         ListNode fast = head;         ListNode slow = head;         while(fast != null && fast.next != null){             fast = fast.next.next;             slow = slow.next;         }     return slow;      } }


/**  * Definition for singly-linked list.  * public class ListNode {  *     int val;  *     ListNode next;  *     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }  * }  */ class Solution {     public int kthToLast(ListNode head, int k) {         if(head == null){             return head.val;         }         ListNode fast = head;         ListNode slow = head;         int count = k - 1;         while(count != 0){             fast = fast.next;             count--;         }         while(fast.next != null){             fast = fast.next;             slow = slow.next;         }         return slow.val;     } }


 /**  * Definition for singly-linked list.  * public class ListNode {  *     int val;  *     ListNode next;  *     ListNode() {}  *     ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; }  *     ListNode(int val, ListNode next) { this.val = val; this.next = next; }  * }  */ class Solution {     public ListNode mergeTwoLists(ListNode list1, ListNode list2) {          ListNode newHead = new ListNode(-1);         ListNode tmp = newHead;        while(list1 != null && list2 != null){           if(list1.val <= list2.val){               tmp.next = list1;               list1 = list1.next;               tmp = tmp.next;           }else{               tmp.next = list2;               tmp = tmp.next;               list2 = list2.next;           }       }        if(list1 != null){            tmp.next = list1;        }        if(list2 != null){            tmp.next = list2;        }        return newHead.next;     } }


public class test {        public static MyLinkedList.ListNode  mergeTwoLists(MyLinkedList.ListNode list1,MyLinkedList. ListNode list2) {              MyLinkedList. ListNode newHead = new MyLinkedList.ListNode(-1);              MyLinkedList. ListNode tmp = newHead;               while(list1 != null && list2 != null){                      if(list1.val < list2.val){                             tmp.next = list1;                             list1 = list1.next;                             tmp = tmp.next;                      }                      else{                             tmp.next = list2;                             tmp = tmp.next;                             list2 = list2.next;                      }               }               if(list1 != null){                      tmp.next = list1;               }               if(list2 != null){                      tmp.next = list2;               }               return newHead.next;        }     public static void main(String[] args) {             MyLinkedList myLinkedList = new MyLinkedList();            myLinkedList.addLast(1);            myLinkedList.addLast(5);            myLinkedList.addLast(9);            myLinkedList.addLast(21);            myLinkedList.addLast(7);            myLinkedList.addLast(21);            MyLinkedList myLinkedList1 =new MyLinkedList();            myLinkedList1.addLast(1);            myLinkedList1.addLast(5);            myLinkedList1.addLast(9);            myLinkedList1.addLast(21);            myLinkedList1.addLast(7);            myLinkedList1.addLast(21);             MyLinkedList.ListNode newHead =  mergeTwoLists( myLinkedList.head,myLinkedList1.head);            myLinkedList.display2(newHead);     } }
public class MyLinkedList implements IList{     static class ListNode {         public int val;         public ListNode preV;         public ListNode next;          public ListNode(int val) {             this.val = val;         }      }     public ListNode head;     public ListNode last;     @Override     public void addFirst(int data) {        ListNode cur = head;        ListNode node = new ListNode(data);        if(head.next == null){            head = last = node;        }else{            node.next = cur;            cur.preV = node;            head = node;        }     }      @Override     public void addLast(int data) {         ListNode cur = head;         ListNode node = new ListNode(data);         if(head == null) {             head = last = node;         }else{             last.next = node;             node.preV = last;             last = node;         }          }      @Override     //在指点位置增删元素     public void addIndex(int index, int data) {         int len = size();         if(index < 0 || index > len ){             System.out.println("不符合条件");             return;         }if(index == 0){             addFirst(index);             return;         }if(index == len){             addLast(data);             return;         }else{             ListNode cur = findOfKey(index);             ListNode node = new ListNode(data);             node.next = cur;            node.preV = cur.preV;             cur.preV.next = node;            cur.preV = node;         }      }     private ListNode findOfKey(int index){         ListNode cur = head;         while(index != 0){            cur = cur.next;            index--;         }         return cur;     }       @Override     public boolean contains(int key) {         ListNode cur = head;         while(cur != null){             if(cur.val == key)             {                 return true;             }             cur = cur.next;         }         return false;     }      @Override     public void remove(int key) {        ListNode cur = head;        while(cur != null) {            if (cur.val == key) {                if (cur == head) {                    head = head.next;                    if (head != null) {                        head.preV = null;                    }                } else {                    cur.preV.next = cur.next;                    if ( cur.next == null) {                        last = last.preV;                    }else {                        cur.next.preV = cur.preV;                    }                }            }            cur =cur.next;        }     }      @Override     public void removeAllKey(int key) {         ListNode cur = head;         while(cur != null) {             if (cur.val == key) {                 if (cur == head) {                     head = head.next;                     if (head != null) {                         head.preV = null;                     }                 }             else {                     cur.preV.next = cur.next;                     if (cur.next == null) {                         last = last.preV;                     }                     cur.next.preV = cur.preV;                 }             }             cur = cur.next;         }      }        @Override     public int size() {         ListNode cur = head;         int len = 0;         while(cur != null){             len++;             cur = cur.next;         }         return len;     }      @Override     public void clear() {         ListNode cur = head;         if(cur != null){             ListNode curN = cur.next;             cur.preV = null;             cur.next = null;             cur = curN;         }         head = null;         last = null;     }      @Override     public void display() {         ListNode cur = head;         while(cur != null){             System.out.print(cur.val+" ");             cur = cur.next;         }         System.out.println();     }     //在指定位置进行打印     public void display2(ListNode newHead) {         ListNode cur = head;         while (cur != null) {             System.out.print(cur.val + " ");             cur = cur.next;         }         System.out.println();     }          public ListNode reverseList() {             if(head == null){                 return head;             }             ListNode cur = head.next;             head.next = null;             while(cur != null){                 ListNode curN = cur.next;                 cur.next = head;                 head = cur;                 cur = curN;             }             return head;         }           }
public interface IList {       public void addFirst(int data);       public void addLast(int data);       public void addIndex(int index,int data);       public boolean contains (int key);       public void remove(int key);       public void removeAllKey(int key);       public int size();      public void clear();      public void display();   } 


import java.util.*;  /* public class ListNode {     int val;     ListNode next = null;      ListNode(int val) {         this.val = val;     } }*/ public class Partition {     public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) {          ListNode as = null;         ListNode ae = null;         ListNode bs = null;         ListNode be = null;         ListNode cur = pHead;         while(cur != null){             if(cur.val < x){                 if(as == null){                     as = ae = cur;                 }else{                       ae.next = cur;                       ae = ae.next;                 }             }else{                 if(bs == null){                      bs = be =cur;                 }else{                      be.next = cur;                      be = be.next;                 }             }             cur = cur.next;         }         if(as == null){             return bs;         }          ae.next = bs;         if(bs != null){             be.next = null;         }             return as;     }     } 



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