2025-01-09 13:05:03





Dataset 存储样本和它们相应的标签,DataLoader 在 Dataset 基础上添加了一个迭代器,迭代器可以迭代数据集,以便能够轻松地访问 Dataset 中的样本(变为mini-batch形式,多个样本组合成mini-batch,random,保存在gpu中等)



均衡性能和时间:mini-batch epoch:一个epoch中所有样本都参与了训练 batch-size:每次训练时用到的样本数量 iteration:batch的个数










import torch from torch.utils.data import Dataset from torchvision import datasets from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor import matplotlib.pyplot as plt   training_data = datasets.FashionMNIST(     root="data",     train=True,     download=True,     transform=ToTensor() )  test_data = datasets.FashionMNIST(     root="data",     train=False,     download=True,     transform=ToTensor() ) 


自定义的数据集类必须实现三个函数: init, len, 和 getitem
getitem 从数据集中给定的索引 idx 处加载并返回一个样本
函数 len 返回我们数据集中的样本数。

# import gzip # import numpy as np # import os # import requests  # # 下载 Fashion MNIST 数据集 # def download_fashion_mnist(base_url, filename, destination): #     if not os.path.exists(destination): #         os.makedirs(destination) #     filepath = os.path.join(destination, filename) #     if not os.path.exists(filepath): #         url = base_url + filename #         response = requests.get(url) #         with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: #             f.write(response.content) #     return filepath  # # 解压 gz 文件 # def extract_gz(filepath, destination): #     with gzip.open(filepath, 'rb') as f_in: #         with open(destination, 'wb') as f_out: #             f_out.write(f_in.read()) #     return destination  # # 读取二进制文件并转换为 numpy 数组 # def load_fashion_mnist_images(filepath): #     with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: #         data = f.read() #         images = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.uint8, offset=16).reshape(-1, 28, 28) #     return images  # def load_fashion_mnist_labels(filepath): #     with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: #         data = f.read() #         labels = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.uint8, offset=8) #     return labels  # base_url = 'http://fashion-mnist.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/' # destination_dir = 'fashion_mnist'  # train_images_path = download_fashion_mnist(base_url, 'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz', destination_dir) # train_labels_path = download_fashion_mnist(base_url, 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz', destination_dir) # test_images_path = download_fashion_mnist(base_url, 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz', destination_dir) # test_labels_path = download_fashion_mnist(base_url, 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz', destination_dir)  # train_images = load_fashion_mnist_images(extract_gz(train_images_path, 'train-images-idx3-ubyte')) # train_labels = load_fashion_mnist_labels(extract_gz(train_labels_path, 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte')) # test_images = load_fashion_mnist_images(extract_gz(test_images_path, 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte')) # test_labels = load_fashion_mnist_labels(extract_gz(test_labels_path, 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte'))  # print(f'Train images shape: {train_images.shape}') # print(f'Train labels shape: {train_labels.shape}') # print(f'Test images shape: {test_images.shape}') # print(f'Test labels shape: {test_labels.shape}') # print(train_labels)   import gzip import numpy as np import os import requests  # 下载 Fashion MNIST 数据集 def download_fashion_mnist(base_url, filename, destination):     if not os.path.exists(destination):         os.makedirs(destination)     filepath = os.path.join(destination, filename)     if not os.path.exists(filepath):         url = base_url + filename         response = requests.get(url)         with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:             f.write(response.content)     return filepath  # 解压 gz 文件 def extract_gz(filepath, destination):     with gzip.open(filepath, 'rb') as f_in:         with open(destination, 'wb') as f_out:             f_out.write(f_in.read())     return destination  # 读取二进制文件并转换为 numpy 数组 def load_fashion_mnist_images(filepath):     with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:         data = f.read()         images = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.uint8, offset=16).reshape(-1, 28, 28)     return images  def load_fashion_mnist_labels(filepath):     with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:         data = f.read()         labels = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.uint8, offset=8)     return labels  # 保存 numpy 数组到文件 def save_numpy_array(data, filepath):     np.save(filepath, data)  # 加载保存的 numpy 数组 def load_numpy_array(filepath):     return np.load(filepath)  base_url = 'http://fashion-mnist.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/' destination_dir = 'fashion_mnist'  # 下载并解压文件 train_images_path = download_fashion_mnist(base_url, 'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz', destination_dir) train_labels_path = download_fashion_mnist(base_url, 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz', destination_dir) test_images_path = download_fashion_mnist(base_url, 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz', destination_dir) test_labels_path = download_fashion_mnist(base_url, 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz', destination_dir)  train_images = load_fashion_mnist_images(extract_gz(train_images_path, os.path.join(destination_dir, 'train-images-idx3-ubyte'))) train_labels = load_fashion_mnist_labels(extract_gz(train_labels_path, os.path.join(destination_dir, 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte'))) test_images = load_fashion_mnist_images(extract_gz(test_images_path, os.path.join(destination_dir, 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte'))) test_labels = load_fashion_mnist_labels(extract_gz(test_labels_path, os.path.join(destination_dir, 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte')))  # 保存 numpy 数组到文件 save_numpy_array(train_images, os.path.join(destination_dir, 'train_images.npy')) save_numpy_array(train_labels, os.path.join(destination_dir, 'train_labels.npy')) save_numpy_array(test_images, os.path.join(destination_dir, 'test_images.npy')) save_numpy_array(test_labels, os.path.join(destination_dir, 'test_labels.npy'))  # 加载保存的 numpy 数组 loaded_train_images = load_numpy_array(os.path.join(destination_dir, 'train_images.npy')) loaded_train_labels = load_numpy_array(os.path.join(destination_dir, 'train_labels.npy')) loaded_test_images = load_numpy_array(os.path.join(destination_dir, 'test_images.npy')) loaded_test_labels = load_numpy_array(os.path.join(destination_dir, 'test_labels.npy'))  print(f'Loaded train images shape: {loaded_train_images.shape}') print(f'Loaded train labels shape: {loaded_train_labels.shape}') print(f'Loaded test images shape: {loaded_test_images.shape}') print(f'Loaded test labels shape: {loaded_test_labels.shape}')  
Loaded train images shape: (60000, 28, 28) Loaded train labels shape: (60000,) Loaded test images shape: (10000, 28, 28) Loaded test labels shape: (10000,) 



target_transform=Lambda(lambda y: …)
Lambda 是 PyTorch 中的一种方便的工具,可以用来创建简单的转换。这里 Lambda 包装了一个匿名函数(lambda 函数),这个函数将标签 y 转换为 one-hot 编码。

lambda y: torch.zeros(10, dtype=torch.float).scatter_(0, torch.tensor(y), value=1)
这个 lambda 函数接收一个标签 y,并进行如下操作:

torch.zeros(10, dtype=torch.float): 创建一个长度为 10 的零向量,数据类型为 torch.float。这个向量代表了 10 个类别的初始化状态,全部设置为 0。

.scatter_(0, torch.tensor(y), value=1): 使用 scatter_ 方法在零向量上进行散射操作。

0 是沿着的维度(这里是第一维度)。
torch.tensor(y) 是需要设置为 1 的位置。
value=1 是要散射的值,即将标签 y 对应的位置的值设置为 1。
因此,lambda 函数会将一个标量标签 y 转换为一个长度为 10 的 one-hot 编码向量。例如,如果 y 是 3,那么生成的向量会是 [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]。

假设标签 y 是 5,执行 lambda 函数的步骤如下:

创建一个零向量:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
使用 scatter_ 方法将第 5 个位置设置为 1:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
最终输出的就是一个 one-hot 编码的向量。

import torch from torchvision import datasets from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor, Lambda  ds = datasets.FashionMNIST(     root="data",     train=True,     download=True,     transform=ToTensor(),     target_transform=Lambda(lambda y: torch.zeros(10, dtype=torch.float).scatter_(0, torch.tensor(y), value=1)) ) 
#__init__传入数据集目录,标注文件,如果有对应图片,传入对应图片目录, # __len__返回整个数据集的大小 import os import pandas as pd from torchvision.io import read_image from torch.utils.data import Dataset   class CustomImageDataset(Dataset):     def __init__(self, annotations_file, img_dir, transform=None, target_transform=None):         self.img_labels = pd.read_csv(annotations_file)         self.img_dir = img_dir         self.transform = transform         self.target_transform = target_transform      def __len__(self):         return len(self.img_labels)      def __getitem__(self, idx):         #获取照片的文件名(在数据标注的.csv中),拼接为路径         img_path = os.path.join(self.img_dir, self.img_labels.iloc[idx, 0])         image = read_image(img_path)         label = self.img_labels.iloc[idx, 1]         if self.transform:             #transfrom:归一化,通道处理等,padding等             image = self.transform(image)         if self.target_transform:             label = self.target_transform(label)         return image, label dataset = CustomImageDataset("")      




将该数据集加载到 DataLoader 中,并可以根据需要迭代该数据集。每次迭代都会返回一批 train_features 和 train_labels (分别包含 batch_size=64 个特征和标签)。因为我们指定了 shuffle=True,在我们遍历所有批次后,数据会被打乱

# Dataset 每次加载一组我们数据集的特征和标签样本。在训练一个模型时,我们通常希望以 "小批量" 的方式传递样本,在每个训练周期重新打乱数据以减少模型的过拟合,并使用 Python 的 multiprocessing 来加快数据的加载速度。 from torch.utils.data import DataLoader # train_dataloader = DataLoader(training_data, batch_size=64, shuffle=True) test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=64, shuffle=True)  # 显示图像和标签。 train_features, train_labels = next(iter(train_dataloader)) print(f"Feature batch shape: {train_features.size()}") print(f"Labels batch shape: {train_labels.size()}") img = train_features[0].squeeze() label = train_labels[0] plt.imshow(img, cmap="gray") plt.show() print(f"Label: {label}") 


from __future__ import print_function, division import os import torch import pandas as pd              #用于更容易地进行csv解析 from skimage import io, transform    #用于图像的IO和变换 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader from torchvision import transforms, utils  # 忽略警告 import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")  plt.ion()   # interactive mode 
#数据集为csv文件 landmarks_frame = pd.read_csv('faces/face_landmarks.csv') landmarks_frame.head(5) 


#查看其中一张图片 n = 3 img_name = landmarks_frame.iloc[n, 0] # Series' object has no attribute 'as_matrix' landmarks = landmarks_frame.iloc[n, 1:].values landmarks = landmarks.astype('float').reshape(-1, 2)#矩阵的每一行我i散点图坐标 print('Image name: {}'.format(img_name)) print('Landmarks shape: {}'.format(landmarks.shape)) print('First 4 Landmarks: {}'.format(landmarks[:4])) 
Image name: 110276240_bec305da91.jpg Landmarks shape: (68, 2) First 4 Landmarks: [[ 42. 140.]  [ 45. 161.]  [ 51. 180.]  [ 61. 200.]] 
def show_landmarks(image, landmarks):     """显示带有地标的图片"""     plt.imshow(image)     plt.scatter(landmarks[:, 0], landmarks[:, 1], s=10, marker='.', c='r')     plt.pause(0.001)  # pause a bit so that plots are updated  plt.figure() show_landmarks(io.imread(os.path.join('faces/', img_name)),                landmarks) plt.show() 


#编写数据集类 # 在 __init__中读取csv的文件内容,在 __getitem__中读取图片(节省空间) class FaceLandmarksDataset(Dataset):     """面部标记数据集."""      def __init__(self, csv_file, root_dir, transform=None):         """         csv_file(string):带注释的csv文件的路径。         root_dir(string):包含所有图像的目录。         transform(callable, optional):一个样本上的可用的可选变换         """         self.landmarks_frame = pd.read_csv(csv_file)         self.root_dir = root_dir         self.transform = transform     def __len__(self):         return len(self.landmarks_frame)     def __getitem__(self, idx):         img_name = os.path.join(self.root_dir,                                 self.landmarks_frame.iloc[idx, 0])         image = io.imread(img_name)         landmarks = self.landmarks_frame.iloc[idx, 1:]         landmarks = np.array([landmarks])         landmarks = landmarks.astype('float').reshape(-1, 2)         sample = {'image': image, 'landmarks': landmarks}          if self.transform:             sample = self.transform(sample)          return sample      face_dataset = FaceLandmarksDataset(csv_file='faces/face_landmarks.csv',                                     root_dir='faces/')  fig = plt.figure()  for i in range(len(face_dataset)):     sample = face_dataset[i]      print(i, sample['image'].shape, sample['landmarks'].shape)      ax = plt.subplot(1, 4, i + 1)     plt.tight_layout()     ax.set_title('Sample #{}'.format(i))     ax.axis('off')     show_landmarks(**sample)      if i == 3:         plt.show()         break  
0 (324, 215, 3) (68, 2) 


1 (500, 333, 3) (68, 2) 


2 (250, 258, 3) (68, 2) 


3 (434, 290, 3) (68, 2) 


很多神经网络假定图片的尺寸相同,所以需要对图片预处理:三个转换: * Rescale:缩放图片 * RandomCrop:对图片进行随机裁剪。这是一种数据增强操作 * ToTensor:把numpy格式图片转为torch格式图片 (我们需要交换坐标轴).




获取输入图像的高度 h 和宽度 w。

transform.resize函数用于将图像缩放到指定的大小(new_h, new_w)。

通过乘以[new_w / w, new_h / h]来调整每个地标的坐标。


class Rescale(object):     """将样本中的图像重新缩放到给定大小。.      Args:         output_size(tuple或int):所需的输出大小。 如果是元组,则输出为          与output_size匹配。 如果是int,则匹配较小的图像边缘到output_size保持纵横比相同。     """      def __init__(self, output_size):         assert isinstance(output_size, (int, tuple))         self.output_size = output_size      def __call__(self, sample):         image, landmarks = sample['image'], sample['landmarks']          h, w = image.shape[:2]         if isinstance(self.output_size, int):             if h > w:                 new_h, new_w = self.output_size * h / w, self.output_size             else:                 new_h, new_w = self.output_size, self.output_size * w / h         else:             new_h, new_w = self.output_size          new_h, new_w = int(new_h), int(new_w)          img = transform.resize(image, (new_h, new_w))          # h and w are swapped for landmarks because for images,         # x and y axes are axis 1 and 0 respectively         landmarks = landmarks * [new_w / w, new_h / h]          return {'image': img, 'landmarks': landmarks}   class RandomCrop(object):     """随机裁剪样本中的图像.      Args:        output_size(tuple或int):所需的输出大小。 如果是int,方形裁剪是。              """      def __init__(self, output_size):         assert isinstance(output_size, (int, tuple))         if isinstance(output_size, int):             self.output_size = (output_size, output_size)         else:             assert len(output_size) == 2             self.output_size = output_size      def __call__(self, sample):         image, landmarks = sample['image'], sample['landmarks']          h, w = image.shape[:2]         new_h, new_w = self.output_size          top = np.random.randint(0, h - new_h)         left = np.random.randint(0, w - new_w)          image = image[top: top + new_h,                       left: left + new_w]          landmarks = landmarks - [left, top]          return {'image': image, 'landmarks': landmarks}   class ToTensor(object):     """将样本中的ndarrays转换为Tensors."""      def __call__(self, sample):         image, landmarks = sample['image'], sample['landmarks']          # 交换颜色轴因为         # numpy包的图片是: H * W * C         # torch包的图片是: C * H * W         image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1))         return {'image': torch.from_numpy(image),                 'landmarks': torch.from_numpy(landmarks)} 
# image.transpose((2, 0, 1)) 是一个 NumPy 数组的操作,它用于交换数组的维度顺序。在这个特定的例子中,假设image是一个三维的 NumPy 数组,表示图像,其形状为 (height, width, channels)。  # (2, 0, 1) 意味着进行维度的转换,将原来的维度顺序 (height, width, channels) 转换为 (channels, height, width)。 # 2 表示原数组的第三个维度(通道维度)会变成新数组的第一个维度。 # 0 表示原数组的第一个维度(高度)会变成新数组的第二个维度。 # 1 表示原数组的第二个维度(宽度)会变成新数组的第三个维度。    # 图像的短边调整为256,然后随机裁剪(randomcrop)为224大小的正方形。 # 也就是说,我们打算组合一个Rescale和 RandomCrop的变换  scale = Rescale(256) crop = RandomCrop(128) composed = transforms.Compose([Rescale(256),                                RandomCrop(224)])  # 在样本上应用上述的每个变换。 fig = plt.figure() sample = face_dataset[65] for i, tsfrm in enumerate([scale, crop, composed]):     transformed_sample = tsfrm(sample)      ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, i + 1)     plt.tight_layout()     ax.set_title(type(tsfrm).__name__)     show_landmarks(**transformed_sample)  plt.show() 


scale = Rescale(256) crop = RandomCrop(156) composed = transforms.Compose([Rescale(256),                                RandomCrop(224)])  # 在样本上应用上述的每个变换。 fig = plt.figure() sample = face_dataset[65] for i, tsfrm in enumerate([scale, crop, composed]):     transformed_sample = tsfrm(sample)      ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, i + 1)     plt.tight_layout()     ax.set_title(type(tsfrm).__name__)     show_landmarks(**transformed_sample)  plt.show() 




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