library("TreeAndLeaf") library("RedeR") library("igraph") library("RColorBrewer")
data("USArrests") head(USArrests)
hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave") plot(hc, main="Dendrogram for the 'USArrests' dataset", xlab="", sub="")
tal <- treeAndLeaf(hc)
tal <- att.mapv(g = tal, dat = USArrests, refcol = 0) pal <- brewer.pal(9, "Reds") tal <- att.setv(g = tal, from = "Murder", to = "nodeColor", cols = pal, nquant = 5) tal <- att.setv(g = tal, from = "UrbanPop", to = "nodeSize", xlim = c(10, 50, 5), nquant = 5) tal <- att.addv(tal, "nodeFontSize", value = 15, index = V(tal)$isLeaf) tal <- att.adde(tal, "edgeWidth", value = 3)
#--- Call RedeR application rdp <- RedPort() calld(rdp) resetd(rdp) #--- Send the tree-and-leaf to the interactive R/Java interface addGraph(obj = rdp, g = tal, gzoom=75) #--- Call 'relax' to fine-tune the leaf nodes relax(rdp, p1=25, p2=200, p3=5, p5=5, ps=TRUE) #--- Add legends addLegend.color(obj = rdp, tal, title = "Murder Rate", position = "topright") addLegend.size(obj = rdp, tal, title = "Urban Population Size", position = "bottomright")