insert into table_name (column_list) values (value_list);
create table person( id int unsigned not null auto_increment, name char(40) not null default '', age int not null default 0, info char(50) null, primary key (id) );
# 在person表中,插入一条新记录,id值为1,name值为Green,age值为21,info值为Lawyer insert into person (id,name,age,info) values (1,'Green',21,'Lawyer'); -------# insert语句后面的列顺序可以不是person表定义时的顺序;需要保证值的顺序与列字段的顺序相同 # 插入一条新记录,id为2,name为Suse,age为22,indo为dancer insert into person (age,name,id,info) values (22,'Suse',2,'dancer');
# 在person表中,插入一条记录,id值为3,name值为Marry,age值为24,info值为Musician insert into person values (3,'Marry',24,'Musician');
# 在person表中,插入一条:name为Willam,age为20,info为sports man; insert into person (name,age,info) values ('Willam',20,'sports man'); ------# 未定义的部分使用默认值 # 在person表中,插入一条:name为Laura,age为25 insert into person (name,age) values ('Laura',25);
insert into table_name (column_list) values (value_list1),(value_list2),...,(value_listn); # 在person表中,插入一条:在name、age和info字段指定插入值,同时插入3条新记录 insert into person (name,age,info) values ('Evans',27,'secretary'), ('Dale',22,'cook'), ('Edison',28,'singer'); # 在person表中,不指定插入列表,同时插入2条记录 insert into person values (9,'Harry',21,'magician'), (null,'Harriet',19,'pianist');
INSERT语句用来给数据表插入记录时指定插入记录的列值。INSERT还可以将SELECT语句查询的结果插入到表中,如果想要从另外一个表中合并个人信息到person 表,不需要把每一条记录的值一个一个输入,只需要使用一条INSERT语句和一条SELECT语句组成的组合语句即可快速地从一个或多个表中向一个表中插入多行。基本语法格式如下:
insert into table_name1 (column_list) select (column_list2) from table_name2 where (condition) # 从person_old表中查询所有的记录,并将其插入到person表中 mysql> create table person_old( id int unsigned not null auto_increment, name char(40) not null default '', age int not null default 0, info char(50) null, primary key (id) ); mysql> insert into person_old values (11,'Harry',20,'student'),(12,'Beckham',31,'police'); mysql> insert into person(id,name,age,info) select id,name,age,info from person_old;
MySQL中使用 UPDATE 语句更新表中的记录,可以更新特定的行或者同时更新所有的行
update table_name set column_name1 = value1,column_name2=value2,...,column_namen=valuen where (condition); # 在person表中,更新id值为11的记录,将age字段值改为15,将name字段值改为LiMing update person set age=15,name='LiMing' where id=1; # 在person表中,更新age值为19-22的记录,将info字段值都改为student update person set info='student' where age between 19 and 22;
从数据表中删除数据使用 DELETE 语句,DELETE语允许WHERE子指定删除条件。DELETE语句基本语法格式如下:
delete from table_name [where ]; # 在person表中,删除id等于11的记录 delete from person where id=11; # 在person表中,使用delete语句同时删除多条记录,在前面的update语句中将age字段值在19-22之间的记录的info字段值修改为student,删除这些记录 delete from person where age between 19 and 22; ------# 删除person表中所有记录 delete from person;
col_name date_type [GENERATED ALWAYS] AS (expression) [VIRTUAL | STORED] [UNIQUE [KEY]] [COMMENT comment] [NOT NULL | NULL] [[PRIMARY] KEY] # 定义数据表tb1,字段id、a、b和c,其中c为计算列,用于计算a+b的值 create table tb1( id int(9) not null auto_increment, a int(9) default null, b int(9) default null, c int(9) generated always as ((a+b)) virtual, primary key (id) ); insert into tb1(a,b) values (100,200); mysql> select * from tb1; +----+------+------+------+ | id | a | b | c | +----+------+------+------+ | 1 | 100 | 200 | 300 | +----+------+------+------+ # 更新数据发现c列值改变 update tb1 set a=500; select * from tb1; +----+------+------+------+ | id | a | b | c | +----+------+------+------+ | 1 | 500 | 200 | 700 | +----+------+------+------+