select * from hosts where hostid = '10613'
-- 查询CPU使用率 select * from history where itemid in ( select itemid from items where name = 'CPU utilization' and hostid = '10613' ) order by clock desc limit 1
-- 查询内存使用率 select * from history where itemid in ( select itemid from items where name = 'Memory utilization' and hostid = '10613' ) order by clock desc limit 1
-- 查询cpu核数 select * from history_uint a where itemid in ( select itemid from items where name = 'Number of CPUs' and hostid = '10613' ) order by clock desc limit 1
-- 查询oracle 总存储空间 select * from history_uint where itemid in ( select itemid from items where name = '/oracle: Total space' and hostid = '10613' ) order by clock desc limit 1
-- 查询多个硬盘分区的空间大小 SELECT * FROM ( SELECT hu.*, it.NAME, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY it.NAME ORDER BY clock DESC ) AS row_num FROM history_uint hu LEFT JOIN items it ON it.itemid = hu.itemid WHERE it.NAME LIKE '% Total space' AND it.hostid = '10613' ) tmp WHERE row_num = 1
-- 查询多个硬盘分区已用空间大小 select * from ( select hu.*,it.name,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY it.name ORDER BY clock desc) AS row_num from history_uint hu left join items it on it.itemid = hu.itemid where it.name like '% Used space' and it.hostid = '10613' ) tmp where row_num = 1
-- 查询内存大小 select * from history_uint where itemid in ( select itemid from items where name = 'Total memory' and hostid = '10613' ) order by clock desc limit 1
-- 查询下载网速 select * from history_uint where itemid in ( select itemid from items where name like '%Bits received%' and hostid = '10613' ) order by clock desc limit 1
-- 查询操作系统 select * from history_str a where itemid in ( select itemid from items where name = 'Operating system' and hostid = '10613' ) order by clock desc limit 1
-- 查询操作系统架构 select * from history_str a where itemid in ( select itemid from items where name = 'Operating system architecture' and hostid = '10613' ) order by clock desc limit 1
-- 查询事件记录,关联主机 select a.*,h.name as "hosts.name" from events a LEFT JOIN triggers tri on a.objectid = tri.triggerid left join (select * from ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY triggerid ORDER BY functionid asc) AS row_num FROM functions ) f where row_num = 1 ) fun on fun.triggerid = a.objectid left join items it on it.itemid = fun.itemid left join hosts h on h.hostid = it.hostid